Our Anniversary Date

 Our Anniversary Date

Prompt: Start your story with one character setting up a romantic dinner, and end it with them looking at a framed wedding photo

(photo source: Getty Images)

I entered my penthouse, dragging my hands down my face and groaning. Finally, home. I could finally relax with my wife for the weekend, not having to worry about my fucking boss's nagging, droning on and on about his hatred for some of the employees on my floor. For some reason, he’d ranted to me. I needed him to quit that.

“I’m home, babe,” I called to my wife Elaine. “Where are you?”

“In the kitchen, my love,” she sang. Just then, the scent of freshly cooked steak and potatoes filled my nostrils. A hint of vegetables soon followed. My mouth watered, ready and waiting patiently for her delicious food. Elaine was the greatest cook I’d ever known. Off the chart skills. Nothing she made tasted even the slightest bit bad.

I removed my shoes, placing them on the rack by the door, and ventured to our kitchen. On the way, I noticed our table. A black table cloth covered the wood. Candles, along with our fancy China plates, were placed in a meticulous fashion, with the candles in the center and the plates at opposite edges of the table.

Dining by candlelight. Wonder what the occasion was. Maybe she had something important to tell me.

I restarted my walk to the kitchen. When I arrived, my eyes caught sight of a masterpiece. Elaine wore a long, silky blue dress. Her coily hair was pulled back into a low-sleek bun with a swoop over her forehead. Face dazzled with makeup, and pearls could be found in any piece of jewelry she wore.

Until a few years ago, I didn’t know what beauty truly was.

“Hi gorgeous,” I said, heat flustering in my cheeks.

Elaine sat a dish of cheesy potatoes down on the stove, removing her over-mitts. She turned around, a bright smile appearing when she saw me. In a split second, she was wrapped in my arms.

I never tired from the feel of her. Each new touch, hold, or caress was different. But they were all perfect in their own way.

“Hi Garret,” she whispered into my chest.

I bent down, as I was almost a foot taller, and kissed her beautiful head. “I missed you, babe.”

She looked up at me. “I missed you more. How was work?”

I groaned, swaying us back and forth. “Meh. Same old b.s. The boss was still being a dickhead to the staff. I’m really thinking of telling him off one of these days. But I also don’t want to get fired.”

She giggled along with me. “I’m sure you will be fine. It’s only been a few months. He’ll probably stop hounding you as time goes on.”

I leaned farther down, touching her lips with mine for a small but sensual kiss. Sometimes, all I dreamed about at work were this woman’s lips. When I returned home, there they were, waiting for me. Similar to mine for her. "Yeah, I hope so.” I swerved my head to the dining table, then back down at her. “Hey, what’s going on tonight?”

Her brows creased. “What do you mean?” Her smile faltered a bit but still remained.

“Why are we dining by candlelight? What’s the occasion?”

Her smile completely disappeared. What replaced it was a tiny gap in an ongoing frown. “Don’t you remember what day it is?” I shook my head in a no. Brows completely furrowing, she stepped out of my arms and moved backwards.

“Babe, are you alright?” What was the distance for? I reached out to touch her, but she flinched away, facing away from me. Her hands rested atop the counter. What was happening? “Babe?” When she didn’t respond, I crowded her space and stood next to her, my chest bumping into her shoulder.

Elaine’s eyes were wide, and tears sprinkled down her cheeks. “Hey, hey, hey!” I hurried. “Babe, why are you crying?” Still no response. All I received was a sniffle that made my heart break in two. I smoothed my hand over her exposed back. “Babe, I’m here. I’m right here.” She shook her head. “I am. I’m right here.” How could she disagree with me? My arms circled her frame, pulled her into my chest.

Her small sniffles grew into soft cries. Tear drops stained my shirt, but I didn’t care. I fucked up somehow and made my wife cry. All that mattered now was comforting her.

I whispered, “Babe?” My lips touched her hair again. “Can you tell me what I did wrong? Please? I want to make it up to you.”

She began to pull away, but I tightened my hold on her. Instead of trying to move again, she looked up at me. Her tears carried a few bits of makeup down her face. Her nose crinkled when she sniffled.

It didn’t matter what state Elaine was in. She would forever be the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on.

“Do you know today’s date, Garret?” she whispered.

Slowly, I bobbed. “I’m pretty sure it’s May 25th…shit.” I groaned as it hit me. “Today’s our wedding anniversary." I smacked my forehead. “God, I’m such a fucking dumbass.”

I let go of my wife, stomping out of the kitchen to the living room. How the hell could I forget today was our anniversary? Because I was an idiot, that’s why. What sane person forgets their wedding anniversary?

I hit my head again. Footsteps grew behind me, so I spun around, meeting Elaine’s sweet gaze. I said, “Babe, I’m so, so sorry. I was so busy with work this week that I-,” I raised my hands in defeat. “You know what? I’m not gonna make any excuses. There isn’t a good reason as to why I forgot our wedding anniversary. Fuck.” Another smack.

Elaine slowly closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around me, pushing her head into my chest. “It’s okay, Garret.”

Tightening my hold on her, I leaned down and rested my cheek on her shoulder. “It’s not.”

“Yes, it’s alright.”

I brought my eyes to hers. “It’s not.”

She swiped away a tear that fell onto my cheek. “Everyone forgets things from time to time, you know?”

“But who in the hell forgets their wedding anniversary?” I kissed her forehead before resting mine on hers. “You have a fool for a husband.”

She let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, and I love him still.” Raising on her toes, she kissed my lips.

When she pulled away, I rushed, “After we eat that delicious food you made, I promise I’ll make it up to you, babe.”


I kissed her temple. “You’ll find out later.” I winked then caressed her cheek.

Elaine bit her lip, wiggled her brows. She got on her tiptoes again and whispered in my ear, “I can’t wait then. We’ll see if I forgive you with how good you do.”

“You won’t be disappointed, babe.”

After kissing a little more, we fixed our plates, filling them with cuts of steak, scoops of cheesy potatoes, and batches of chicken Caesar salad. This dinner was a combination of some of our favourites- Elaine lived and breathed for potatoes. My mouth watered at the sight of a medium-cooked steak. Both of us loved any kind of salad.

Small conversations were had as we ate, but more often than not, we caught glimpses of each other, sometimes catching the other staring. We'd make eye contact, stare, then giggle. The cycle repeated all throughout dinner. We finished after around 30 minutes.

Our dishes filled the sink, but they would get cleaned tomorrow. Tonight, we would spend time worshipping each other. In the living room, I hooked up my phone to the television, turning on the Spotify playlist Elaine and I created together. I walked to my wife. I reached out my hand, asking, “May I have this dance babe?”

The ends of her mouth lifted. “Of course.” Her warm hand grabbed mine, and she pulled me close. Her arms lifted and her fingertips grazed my neck as she planted her hands there. My hands pushed on her back, flushing our bodies.

We swayed back and forth to the slow music, gazing into each other’s eyes. “Have you forgiven me yet?” I joked in a whisper. Heat rose up to my cheeks as her hand tangled in my hair.

“Well, I wasn’t ever mad at you,” she giggled.

I gawked. "Yes, you were!"

"No, I wasn't." She shook her head.

"You cried."

She shrugged. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I was mad at you per se."

I tilted my head, light laughs escaping. "Babe, c'mon."

She sighed dramatically. "Okay, fine. Maybe I was a tiny bit mad at you." We giggled together. “But you still have yet to prove how you’re going to make it up to me.”

“Oh, don’t worry, babe. I will.” I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers.

She smirked against my mouth. “I hope you do.” Her lips brushed against mine again.

“I promise to never forget our anniversary again.”

She rolled her eyes, smile never ceasing. “Everyone forgets things.”

“But I won’t forget our anniversary again. I love you so much. You mean the world to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be whole. You’re the reason I live and breathe, the reason I get up in the morning.” My voice deepened as I said, “You’re my person. And I never want you to feel like you’re not.”

“Okay, Mr. Poetry.”

I guffawed. Then I said, “I meant every word.”

She kissed me. “I know you do. And I love you too. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be. You’re the love of my life, the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“Now who’s poetry?” I chuckled, leaning down to close the distance between us. Our kiss grew frisky, and I picked her up, walking to the bedroom with our mouths still fused together.


After hours and hours of rough, soft, hard, sensual, slow, fast love-making, Elaine and I fell back on our bed, gasping for air. I turned my head in her direction. “So, am I forgiven?” I breathed.

My wife let out a small giggle. "Oh, you’re definitely forgiven,” she joked back.

I laughed breathily. “That was fucking perfect, babe.”

She turned fully on her side. “It was.” She traced a heart on my cheek with her finger. I mimicked the same on the skin that blocked her heart from the world. Earning her heart was my proudest moment.

I got out of bed, grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom, warmed it with hot water, and wiped down Elaine’s body. In some locations, I pressed a bit on her skin, adding some pressure to the massage. Elaine’s moaning came out soft. Likely, she was tired due to how much louder her moans were a few minutes ago.

I returned the washcloth. When I came back to bed, Elaine was sitting on the edge, holding a framed photo in her hands. The photo was normally placed on her nightstand.

It was a photo of us on our wedding day. We just walked down the aisle and were escorted to a photoshoot. This photo, we agreed, was our favourite one. I had my arms wrapped around her. Her back was to my front. Her hands rested on mine; her head rested back on my shoulder. Our lips were connected.

I plopped down next to her, wrapping an arm around her. I tucked her close to me and kissed her neck. “I love that photo.”

“I do too,” she whispered. “That was the best day of my life.”

I kissed her more. “Mine too.” I conjoined our hands. She lowered the photo and looked at me. I said, “Thank you for choosing me, Elaine. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive and marrying me.”

She set her hand on my cheek and pressed her mouth against mine. “Thank you for choosing me. You make me the happiest woman in the world. I love you so much.”

“I love you so much more. Happy Anniversary, Elaine.”

“Happy Anniversary, Garrett.”

We kissed once more before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

The End

Thank you for reading!

If you liked this short story, tell me in the comments. Also, let me know what you didn’t like! I’m always looking for feedback :) If you want to request a story or have a prompt idea, email me at ngjeffersonwrites@gmail.com. Bye!


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